Aranea significa en latín araña, tela de araña y por extensión red.
Aranea es un grupo multidisciplinar formado en 1998 por Marta García Chico, Ingeniera Agrónoma Máster en Paisaje y Francisco Leiva Ivorra, Arquitecto, establecido en Alicante, una soleada ciudad abierta al Mar Mediterráneo.
Aranea lo componen actualmente arquitectos, ingenieros, paisajistas, artistas, una bióloga y un sociólogo.
Aranea tiene una especial sensibilidad para reinterpretar contextos geográficos y asumir retos programáticos.
Aranea pretende ir poco a poco creando una red internacional de colaboradores y así conseguir una colección de contextos variados y motivadores sobre los que intervenir.
Ha sido premiada en concursos nacionales e internacionales, entre los que cabe destacar el 1er Premio Parque antrópico de Saline Joniche en Reggio Calabria, Italia 2012, 1er Premio Revitalización de las laderas del Rio Vinalopó en Elche 2009, 1er Premio Observatorio de Medio Ambiente Urbano de Alicante 2009, el 1er Premio 111 VPO para el Patronato Vivienda de Alicante 2007, EUROPAN 8 emplazamientos de Ceuta y Sintra 2005, 1er premio Instituto IES Rafal 2003, 1er Premio Centro de Talasoterapia de Gijón 2002, 1er Premio Biblioteca de San Vicente del Raspeig 2001 y el 1e Premio Exaequo Fachada Marítima de Calpe 1999.
Su obra ha sido reconocida con prestigiosos premios como el “Barbara Cappochin” 2015, el Premio Europeo de Espacio Público Urbano 2014, el Premio FAD de Ciudad y Paisaje 2014, Holcim Award Gold 2014, Iconic Award 2015, The International Architecture Award 2014, Design Vanguard 2013, Seleccionado European Mies Van der Rohe Award 2013, AR House Award 2013, Nominado Mies van der Rohe Award 2011, el Premio FAD de Arquitectura 2010 y el Premio FOPA 2005.
Han formado parte de exposiciones como “On Site. New Architecture in Spain”, su obra forma parte de la colección permanente del MoMA de Nueva York.
Francisco Leiva ha sido Profesor de Proyectos de la ETSA de Valencia de 2003 a 2006 y es Profesor de Proyectos en la Universidad de Alicante desde 2006.
Aranea is Latin for spider, riffing on the idea of the spider’s web and hence network.
Aranea is a multidisciplinary group set in Alicante since 1998 formed by Architects, Engineers, Landscape designers, Artists, a Biologist and a Sociologist.
Aranea has a special sensitivity for the reinterpretation of geographic contexts as well as for the assumption of programmatic challenges.
Aranea’s ambition is to gradually create an international network of collaborators with a view to putting together a collection of varied and motivating contexts in which to intervene.
Its interest and compromise for the transformation of landscape has taken Grupo Aranea to develop an intensive educative task from both its teaching experience in several universities and its organisation of periodic workshops. These activities have as their goal to generate a permanent discussion where all agents involved with the territory, in every specific geographic context, can meet.
Since 2006, Grupo Aranea runs the pH_InhabitedLandscapesworkshop series, a meeting that has been developing successively in diverse locations in Spain.
It has been awarded with several prizes both in national and international competitions: 1st Prize in the 1st Prize in the International Competition for the Saline Joniche Antropic and Natural Park, Reggio Calabria, Italy 2012, 1st Prize in the International Competition for the Revitalization of both sides of River Vinalopo in Elche (2009), 1st Prize in the Competition for the Observatory of the Environment in Alicante (2009) , the 1st Prize in the National Competition for the construction of 111 Social Housing Units in Alicante (2007), the Europan 8 prizes in Ceuta and Sintra 2005 , 1st Prize High School of Rafal Alicante 2003 the 1st Prize in the International Competition for the Center of Thalassotherapy in Gijon 2002, 1st Prize in the National Competition for the Municipal Library in San Vicente del Raspeig 2001 or the International Competition for the Arrangement of Calpe’s Maritime Facade 1999.
Its work has been recognised with several prestigious awards like the the “Barbara Cappochin” 2015, the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014, the FAD Award 2014 City and Landscape, Holcim Award Gold 2014, Iconic Award 2015, The International Architecture Award 2014, The Architecture Bienal Argentina BIA-AR 2014, Design Vanguard 2013, Shortlist European Mies Van der Rohe Award 2013, AR House Award 2013, Nomined European Mies van der Rohe Award 2011, the FAD Award 2010 Architecture and the 2005.
Grupo Aranea has been part of important exhibitions as “OnSite. New Architecture in Spain” at MoMA in New York, becoming its work “Salamandra” part of MoMA’s permanent collection.
Francisco Leiva has been Lecturer of Architectural Design at the School of Architecture in Valencia from 2003 to 2006 and in Alicante since 2006.
Áreas //Medio Ambiente //Sociología y Participación cuidadana //Agronomía y Paisaje //Planeamiento y Urbanismo //Arquitectura //Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) //Divulgación y Educación